Some Current and Former Students and Post-Docs
Eva Backhaus →
Sylvie Bissonette ➞
Scott Cowan →
Jess Curtis ➞
Caitlin Dolan ➞
Micah Dubreuil →
Kristina Gehrman ➞
James Genone ➞
Jes Heppler →
Gabrielle Jackson →
Eric Kaplan →
Urte Laukaityte →
Farid Masrour →
Teague Morris →
Bence Nanay ➞
Mark Ornelas →
B. Scot Rousse →
Pia Schneider →
Jochen Schuff →
John Schwenkler ➞
Marjan Sharifi →
James Stazicker ➞
Pii Telakivi →
Alina Wang →
Some Current and Former Collaborators
Georg Bertram →
Katye Coe ➞
Claire Cunningham ➞
Jess Curtis ➞
Scott deLahunta ➞
William Forsythe ➞
Tom Froese →
Elena Giannotti
Deborah Hay ➞
Satu Herrala ➞
Susan Hurley ➞
Graeme Miller ➞
Jerry Miller →
Charlie Morrissey ➞
Erik Myin ➞
J. Kevin O'Regan ➞
Nicole Peisl ➞
Luiz Pessoa ➞
Evan Thompson ➞